Play to Win Tutorials

One of my favorite parts of the Granite Game Summit is the "Play to Win" track. How cool is it that you can come to a gaming event and have a chance to win just by playing a game? Sometimes these games are well known classics, other times they are brand new and is a fun way to generate buzz around them. But one aspect of it is that it can be daunting to sit down and try to learn the game while at the event itself.

Its cool, we got your back!

We've taken the time to scour the internet (well, youtube really) to find as many "how to play" tutorials and reviews with solid overviews of how to play to share with you so you can learn them while at work home. Please note, this is not a 100% comprehensive list of all the games that will be available as part of the "play to win" track, only the ones that have tutorials available to them.

The Game of 49, Breaking Games (Mark Corsey)

Smoke and Mirrors, ButtonShy Games (Chip Beauvais)

Oh My Gods, Gameworthy Labs (Tim Blank)

Grimslinger Duels, Greenbriar Games

Euphoria: Build a Better Distopia, Stonemaier Games

Between Two Cities, Stonemaier Games