December Giveaways

December seems like a great time to share the love and give away some merchandise to our fans. What better way to do that then through a social media game? Each week in December the prizes and games will vary. Make sure you are following us on Twitter or Instagram @g2summit and for your daily clues. Every Monday the rules for the new week’s contest and prize will be announced. 


Contest Week #1:

For the week of December 4th- December 8th, the rules for the game are simple. We will push one close-up component photo of a board game per day. You do NOT need to comment or reply to the photo with the name of the game. You DO need to keep your answers for the final puzzle on Friday though. On Friday a final clue will be given, (using the titles of the games from each day’s photo)  and lead you to a one word answer. You must be subscribed to our newsletter to win. Using the email address you are subscribed to our newsletter with, email your one word answer to . Winners will be drawn at random. This weeks prize is a Granite Game Summit water bottle! All answers must be submitted by Sunday December 10th, 2017 at 5 p.m. EST to be qualified. Winners will be notified via email. 

 Each week the puzzles for the game will increase in difficulty. You must live within the US to be eligible to win. 


Contest WEEK #2:

For the week of December 11th-15th, we are changing the contest rules up a bit. In order to be eligible to win, you must follow us on Twitter, quote tweet a minimum of one clue over the course of the week, and answer it's question using the hashtag #G2SContest. 1-2 photo clues will be tweeted daily with plenty of opportunity to re-tweet them. The final puzzle will will be tweeted on Friday the 15th, once you have solved the puzzle email your one word answer to Winners will be drawn at random and contacted via email. This week you can win a Granite Game Summit t-shirt possible example pictured below! All answers must be submitted by Sunday December 17th, 2017 at 5 p.m. EST to be qualified.

Don't use Twitter? Don't fret, next week's contest will be through Facebook and the following week will be through Instagram! This week we are just showing our Twitter friends some love. <3 

Each week the puzzles for the game will increase in difficulty. You must live within the US to be eligible to win.  


For the week of December 18th-22nd, 2017 we will be showing our Facebook friends some love! We will be sharing 4 photos during the week, all of which you will need to know in order to solve the puzzle on Friday December 22nd. You have to like our FB page: and share at least one of this week's clues in order to qualify for entry. Once you have solved this week's puzzle email the one word answer to: no later that 5 p.m. EST on Sunday December 24th, 2017. The winner will be drawn at random and contacted via email. 

This week you can win a Granite Game Summit water bottle and t-shirt combo pack! Happy puzzling!